Aquabatix was delighted to be invited by renowned celebrity photographer Elisabeth Hoff, to be photographed underwater for her new “Drowning in Plastic” series highlighting the devastating effects of plastic pollution in our oceans.
The series of images are being used to promote the Marine Conservation Society’s ‘Great British Beach Clean’ which takes place September 20th – 23rd 2019.
Aquabatix models Celina Dembinska and Genevieve Randall were photographed and filmed by Elisabeth in the Aquatheatre tank in Peterborough. Whilst posing underwater they had to move amongst plastic such as cutlery, bottles and bags.
Even though they were in a relative small area of water, the models found it tiring to be pushing plastic out of the way and constantly trying to free themselves of plastic getting wrapped up around them. For the full video click here. Catch the drowning in plastic exclusive behind the scenes footage by clicking here.
The Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean is taking place all over the UK, and is encouraging people to go down to their local beach and pick up plastic and other waste. This campaign has been running for 25 years and so far has picked up 319 tonnes of plastic litter.
To find your nearest beach clean up with the Marine Conservation Society between September 20-23rd then click here: For more information on how Aquabatix can enhance your next campaign or production, click here.