Two years ago, a groundbreaking initiative marked a pivotal moment in corporate history – over 500 of the world’s most influential businesses united as the Valuable 500 to end the CEO silence on disability exclusion. The V500 Sync Campaign emerged as a testament to the power of collective action and shared purpose.
Now, as the Valuable 500 gear up for a new chapter in this journey, a campaign featuring the extraordinary talents of Aquabatix swimmers and synchronised swimmers, including Helen Dolphin, GB’s male synchronized swimmer Ranjuo Tomblin, and Molly from the Electric Eels, a synchronised swimming club for individuals with Down syndrome.Models and other swimmers with disabilities were also featrued in the campaign.
Directed by the talented Dan DiFelice, championed by Creative agency Adam & Eve DDB, with the production company Biscuit Filmworks, the V500 Sync Campaign is making waves in the pursuit of radical system change.
Achieving the Impossible
Two years ago, the V500 campaign achieved the seemingly impossible – breaking the CEO silence on disability exclusion. Over 500 influential businesses came together, recognizing the need for change and committing to fostering inclusivity within their organizations. It was a watershed moment that sparked a movement towards a more equitable and diverse corporate landscape.
Diving into SYNC25
Now, the V500 campaign looks towards a new horizon with SYNC25, the Valuable 500 Accountability Summit. Scheduled to take place in Tokyo on December 3, 2025, SYNC25 represents a shared ambition to create radical system change. This summit is not just a gathering; it is a commitment to accountability, a space to learn from failures, build on successes, and set the stage for the work ahead.
Dan DiFelice’s Vision: Bringing the Campaign to Life
Casting Director Claire Patterson, got in contact with Aquabatix to find a team of synchronised swimmers with various abilities and ages. Unfortunately, as of yet, there are not that many synchronised swimmers in the UK matching that brief. Adele worked closely with casting to source general swimmers with various physical abilities as well as synchronised swimmers of different ages alongside models that casting also provided foe the shoot. Supple, a fantastic dance choreographer had created a vision with Dan and Adele consulted with both of them as to what would be possible and other ideas to bring the vision into a watery reality. With only an hour’s rehearsal on the morning of the shoot, Supple and Adele worked with all the swimmers and models to make sure the ideas would work and taught the basic choreography to everyone.
Directed by the visionary Dan DiFelice, the V500 Sync Campaign comes to life with a visually stunning and emotionally resonant portrayal of unity. DiFelice’s artistic direction captures the essence of swimming in unison, portraying it as a metaphor for the harmonious collaboration required for true transformative change. Filmed on location in London’s Charing Cross pool, the film takes inspiration from a murmuration, where groups of birds, notably starlings, move and change direction together. It shows a group of swimmers with and without disability, all collaborating to form a synchronised display. You can watch the full video here.
SYNC25 – A Testament to Unity and Shared Purpose
As we look forward to SYNC25 in Tokyo 2025, the V500 Sync Campaign serves as a poignant reminder of the power of unity and shared purpose. In the words of the campaign, “Beautiful things happen when we come together.”
For Aquabatix swimmers and movement directors to work on your next campaign, please contact us on
Director of Photography: Harry Wheeler